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2014-5-11 0:21:39下载本试卷


stand___________ sleep____________ jump___________ swim___________
clean____________ wash___________ do______________ go____________
listen___________ play ____________sing____________ run___________
have____________ write___________ come___________ dance_________
skate____________ make__________ ride____________ sit___________
1.    扫地 ____________ 2.洗衣服____________
2.  擦窗户________________4. 擦玩具____________
5.读一本故事书 ________________6.一本图画书____________
1.(do doing) What can you_______?  What are you _________?
2.(clean cleaning) I can _________the windows.
I am __________the classroom now. I like ________
3.(make making) We can _________a model plane.
We are__________a model plane.
4.(run running) They can _______.
They are __________. They like_______
1.(do)  _______you like animals? Yes, I ________
    What are you _________? I am ________ my homework.
2.(dance) My sister likes __________. She can _________well.
Now she is ___________
3.(swim) Her parents can _______.
They like ___________.They are __________now.
1.    I’m making a model plane.(提问)_____________
2.    John is sleeping.(改为一般疑问句)__________________________________
3.    Tom is drawing a picture.(提问)
4.    We are cleaning the library.(改为否定句)________________________________
5.    She is listening to music. (提问)_______________________________________
6.    翻译:我们把书放在床上吧.


[ 作者:snall 来源:费尔教育 录入:snall 浏览: 590次 更新:2006-10-14 字体: 字体颜色]

5A第六单元练习(2)Name________ Class______ No.___
一.   选择填空:
(  )1.It is _____ Sunday evening.  A. / B. at C. in
(  )2. What ______ Nancy and Helen doing? A. is B. are C. am
(  )3. How ______ this one? A. many B. much C. about
(  )4. ----______ you like swimming? --- Yes, I do .  A. Can B. Do  C. Are
(  ) 5. ---What ____ you do? ---I can dance.   A. can B. do C. are
(  ) 6.Tom, can you come and help me _____ my English? A. at  B. in C. with
(  )7. Look , Jim is _____ in the playground. A, running B. run C. runing
(  )8. I _____ free now. I can go to the park with you. A. can B./ C. am
(  )9.----- What’s SuYang doing? ---_________.

She is singing. B. She is a student.  C. She can sing.
(  ) 10. Let’s _____the jacket on the bed. A. washing B. put C. do
二.   将下列对话补充完整.注意时态.(正在进行时构成:be+动词的现在分词)
Today is Sunday. Some students _____________ (play) in the park. Look ,YangLing ____________ (skate). WangBing ______________ (run). David and LiDong ____________(play ) football. Betty and Mary _____________ (dance).Let’s go and jion(加入) them.
三.   词组:
1. 做家务 ____________ 2.做家庭作业___________
1.    ….怎么样? _________________ 4. 帮助他__________________
2.    帮助我数学__________________6.今天下午 _________________
7.做个蛋糕 ________________ 8. 听音乐________________
四.   翻译句子
1. 现在是星期六下午. ______________________
我的父母在做家务. ____________ ___
2. 他在做什么? _______________________
他在做他的家庭作业. __________________
3.    你能来帮助我数学吗? _________________________
4.    今天晚上怎么样? ______________
5.    苏海呢? _________________
她在做什么? __ ________________
她在家跳舞. _______________________
6.    他会游泳吗?__________________
7.    看,他正在游泳._______________________

1.The teachers _______________ (sing) in the office.
2._______ you like _________?(horse)   3. I like ___________( dance).
4.They often help ________ (he) with ________ (he) English?
5. ________ she _________ (cook) now?
1.    Don’t ________ (play) cards in the room.
2.    Let’s _______ (have) a look at it.
3.    Can Nancy________ (skate)? Yes, she can. Look, she _______________ (skate).
4.    He is right. But she is _________ (right)
5.    How many ________ (class) are there in your school?
6.    There ______ (be) some juice in the bottle. There _______(be)some flowers beside the bottle.
7.    That large room is __________ (my parents)
8.    I _______ (not like) dogs. ________ (not put) the dog in the bedroom.
9.    Where are you ______________ (go)? Don’t _____ (sit) on the ball.
10.  I’d like _________ (buy) a magazine. Do you like _________ (play chess)
1.________________ are you going? I’m going to the park.
2. ________________ is the ruler? Two Yuan.
3. ________________ you watching TV? No, I’m not.
4.________________ is jumping under the tree.
5. ________________ you like swimming? Yes, I do.
6. _______________ birds can you see? Fifteen.
7.    ___________ lanterns do you like? I like rabbit lanterns.
8.____________ are you, Ben? I’m here.
1.读报 __________________  2. 读一本图画书__________________
3.读一本杂志__________________   4.下棋__________________
1.    玩牌__________________   6.玩溜溜球__________________
2.    做风筝 __________________ 8.坐在足球上__________________
9.她正在做她的家庭作业. ______________________________________________
1.    他们在教室里读英语. ______________________
2.    你能来帮助我们学英语吗? _____________________________________________
3.    麦克正在做模型汽车. ______________________________________
4.    不要擦窗户. __________________________________