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5A 期中试卷(译林牛津)  

5A期中模拟测试班级_______ 姓名______ 成绩_______ 一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词10% ( ) 1. A. bedroom B. sitting-room C. dining-room D. bathroom ( ) 2. A. puppet B. puzzle C. pumpkin D. put ( ) 3. A. how B. horse C. hi D. house ( ) 4. A. big B. pig C. park D. back ( ) 5. A. skiing B. swimming C. skating D. swing ( ) 6. A. father B. family C. fat D. farmer ( ) 7. A. listen B. lesson C. learn D. lantern ( ) 8. A. Sunday B. Saturday C. start D. slide ( ) 9. A. make a model plane B. make model planes C. make a kite D. make some kites ( )10. A. He can play the piano. B. She can play the guitar. C. He can play the violin. D. She can play the accordion 二、听录音,选择正确的回答10% ( )1.A . Yes, there is. B. Yes, there are. C. Yes, they are. ( )2.A. There are four masks. B. There’re four parks C. No, there aren’t. ( )3.A. He’s Mike . B. She’s Yang Ling. C. It’s an elephant ( )4.A. They’re farmers. B. He’s eleven. C. He’s a bus driver. ( )5.A. Two o’clock. B. At two o’clock. C. I’m two. ( )6.A. It’s very nice. B. It’s my sister. C. It’s my sister’s. ( )7.A. Yes, I can. B. No, I can’t. C. I can see some trees and flowers.. ( )8.A. It’s fifty- four yuan. B. They’re fifty-four yuan. C. She’s fifty-four.. ( )9.A. No, thank you. B. Yes, please. C. Some pumpkins, please. ( )10.A. I like grapes. B. I like ducks. C. Yes, I like them very much. 三、听录音,完成对话10% 1. A: Is ______ _____ juice in the fridge? B: Let me ______. Oh, no, there _____.What about ______ milk? A: Ok. B: _____ you are. 2. A: Su Hai, ______ your new ______? B: It’s ______ the hospital. A: Is it _____? B: Yes, it has six _____. 3. A: What _____ you _____? B:I can sing “Two jackets”. A: Can you play the _____? B: No, I ______. 4. A: Can I _____ you? B: I want to _____ some ______ dogs. A: Anything ______? B: No, ______. 四、单词拼写5% ( )1. ch _ _ _en A .ico B. ick C. oco ( )2. l_ st_n A. i,o B. i,e C. e, o ( )3.w _ _ld A. or B. ou C.ur ( )4. Sart_ _day A. ar B. ur C. or ( )5.flow_ _ A. or B. ar C.er 五、英汉互译10% 1. 第一天___________________ 2. 所有的学生_________________ 3.一张世界地图_________________ 4. 一起骑马 _______________________ 5. 把这个面具放到床底下______________ 6. 听音乐__________________ 7. the rabbit in the black hat____________ 8. go and play here__________________ 9. have a Chinese lesson ___________________ 10. here’s your change______________ 六、单项选择15% ( )1. Are there _______ jackets in the shop? A . some B. any C. many ( )2.What do they like? They like _______. A. picture book B. picture books C. pictures books ( )3.Wang Bing and _______ parents are in the dining-room. A. her B. their C. his ( )4.What’s ______ the tree ? Oh, He’s my brother, Mike. A. at B. on C. in ( )5.How______ is that blouse? sixty yuan. A. old B. many C. much ( )6.Do you like hanburgers?____________________ A. All right. B. No, thanks. C. Yes, very much. ( )7.There ______ a pair of shoes under the bed. A. is B. are C. am ( )8.____ Sundays, We can Watch TV ______ the evening. A. In ,on B. On, in C.At, in ( )9.There is______ map of China on the wall. A. any B. a C. some ( )10.I can see _____ umbrella behind the door.It’s _____ yellow umbrella. A. a, an B. an, an C. an, a ( )11.It’s Teachers’ Day tomorrow. I would like______some cards for my teachers. A .drawing B. to draw C. draw ( )12._______ in your new school bag? There’re many books. A. What’s B. What’re C. Where’s ( )13.Is there a park ______ your house? A. in B. on C. near ( )14.Sometimes I watch TV in the afternoon,but my parents______. A. not B. aren’t C. don’t ( )15._____ can _____ do? She can play the piano. A. What he B. What she C .What’s she 七、对话配对10% ( )1. Can you sing and dance? A. I can draw a horse. ( )2. What do you need? B. It’s three o’clock. ( )3. How much are they? C. No, I don’t. ( )4. Are there any flowers in the vase. D. OK. ( )5. What can you draw? E. Oh, It’s near the new building. ( )6. Do you like monkeys? F. He can’t find his new pen. ( )7. Shall we turn on the light? G. I’m not sure. ( )8. Where’s his new house? H. Twelve yuan. ( )9. What’s the matter with Liu Tao? I. Yes, I can. ( )10.What’s the time? J. We need some masks and a lantern.

八、根据所给中文写出句子10% 1.Is there a ______?_____ _,I _____ know. I don’t ___ __ _____ the city(城市) 这儿有厕所么?对不起,我不知道,我不居住在这个城市。 2.__ __ ____ _ boys are there in your class? Twenty-seven. _____ they play basketball? ______ ______the boys can play basketball. 你们班有多少男生?27个,他们会打篮球么?会,所有男生都会。 3.Can you _____ _____ the street? ______, ______ I can _____ toy trains. 你会在街道上滑冰么?不会,但是我会制作玩具火车。 4.What _____ do you ______ for Halloween? ______chocolate and _____ _____sweets. 你家为万圣节准备一些什么食物?一些巧克力和很多糖果。 5.I play ______ tennis ______ my friends _______ Sunday afternoon._____ ______. 每周周日下午我和我的朋友打乒乓球。我也一样。 九、句子改错5% ( )1.We all like learn English very much ._____ ___ A B C ( )2.Nancy sometimes play the violin on sunday morning.________ A B C ( )3.There’re a lot nice pictures on the wall. _________ A B C ( )4.Do you like bread? No, I like pie. ___________ A B C ( )5.Can I help you? I would like buy some milk.___________ A B C 十、连词成句10% 1. first, tomorrow, it’s, day, term, of , new (.) ___________________________________________________ 2. like, what, they, animals, do (?) ______________________________________ 3. are, there, noodles, any, and, bottle, milk, fridge, the, in, a, of (?) __________________________________________________________ 4. we, new, the, first, shall, words, learn (?) ___________________________________________ 5. parents, like, don’t, cooking, much, but, I, very, my (.) _______________________________________________ 十一、 阅读理解,判断正误(对的打T,错的打F)5% This is a picture of our class. There are fifty–five students in our class. You can see twenty-eight boys and twenty- seven girls. There is an American(美国的) student in our class. His name is David. His English is very good. We all like him. He likes eating bread and cakes. He likes drinking milk and apple juice. We like eating rice and drinking tea. David can ski but we don’t.We are very happy together. ( ) 1. There are fifty – five boys in the class. ( ) 2. David is an English boy. ( ) 3. David like bread and tea. ( ) 4.Chinese students can ski. ( ) 5 We all like David.